Our Favorite Blogs about Postpartum and Maternal Depression

Mother kissing sleeping infantIn addition to adapting to the brand new experience of parenting, many new parents may also be managing preexisting mental health issues, like depression or bipolar. Others may experience postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth of a child. The American Psychological Association states that postpartum depression affects 9–16% of postpartum women, and women who experienced PPD after the birth of their first child are even more likely to experience PPD after a second pregnancy.

Online resources like GoodTherapy.org can be valuable in helping you understand issues like postpartum depression—you can find a selection of blog articles related to PPD on the GoodTherapy.org Blog—but finding others who can relate is also essential. That’s why we appreciate the many wonderful blogs by parents who have experience with postpartum or general depression. It’s comforting to find people who have documented their stories and shared their own inspiration for coping with mental health issues.

Below are some of our favorite blogs by and for parents who are experiencing or have experienced PPD or depression.

Postpartum Progress

With a team of over 15 writers, Postpartum Progress discusses the experience of motherhood—for parents-to-be, those who have decades of parenting behind them, and everyone in between. Because so many authors are contributing, you can follow the stories of mothers who are in all stages of PPD and depression. Click on “Find Moms Like You” under the Get Hope tab to explore personal stories you can relate to and resources for moving forward.

All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something

A wife and mother who has experienced PPD and been diagnosed with bipolar II, Kimberly has many published pieces to her name in addition to her popular blog. In her bio, she writes, “Together, my boys have guided me through the darkest times of my life and held onto my hope when I lost it. Their love saves me every single day.” The link above takes you to her posts specifically addressing PPD and recovery.

Beautiful Courageous You

Lauralee writes that her faith has been of the utmost importance to her success in dealing with mental health issues while raising her five children. “Most of what I write about is a real and raw journey through depression, anxiety, and grief, not to bring you down but to bring you UP and fill your heart to brimming over with Hope.” Many people search for a spiritual approach to overcoming hardships in life; if you’re looking for inspiration from a mother with a Christian perspective, Beautiful Courageous You is the account of a woman who has learned to embrace change and rejoice in life’s trials.

Ivy’s PPD Blog

After a failed pregnancy and an unsuccessful cycle of in vitro fertilization, Ivy gave birth to her daughter in December 2004 and experienced PPD six weeks later. Though she considers her experience with PPD over, she has continued to be an advocate for education about maternal mental health issues, perinatal mood issues, and infertility. Ivy’s blog is one of our favorites because of her dedication to reducing stigma about mental health issues that women and mothers face. She also shares insightful posts about bullying and the importance of staying wary of social media—both for kids and adults.

Farewell Stranger

Robin Farr named her blog not for the Supertramp song “Goodbye Stranger”—OK, maybe a little bit for that—but because, “In telling this story, I’m saying goodbye to a version of myself that I didn’t know and didn’t understand.” Robin has presented a TEDx talk, contributed to Huffington Post, and written for Postpartum Progress about her ongoing experience with depression and the recurrence of what she calls “blips”—those times that might make one hyperaware of mental health issues. Farewell Stranger has formed an online community around Robin, her life with her two sons, and maternal depression.

PPD to Joy

The author of PPD to Joy, Yael, had a traumatic introduction to postpartum depression: her mother committed suicide when Yael was 6. When Yael found herself having similar thoughts and motives after the births of her own children, she said the memory of her mother’s death “ignited a spark” under her. She began seeking help and finding strength through support networks and professionals. Years later, she continues her blog, hosts support groups in Ithaca, New York, and helps eliminate stigma and confusion about PPD.

While there tends to be an abundance of resources available for women with postpartum depression, the help for their partners is not as plentiful. Spouses should not only learn how to support a partner with depression; they should also be prepared for dealing with depression issues themselves. Studies have shown that fathers, too, may experience postpartum depression. We are still looking for blogs by fathers with PPD; please email inquiries@goodtherapy.org with suggestions.

Are there other blogs about depression and PPD that you read? Please let us know! Have your own blog that covers these issues? We want to find it! Leave your suggestions in the comments, so we can include them in future lists like this.

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  • Savannah

    August 14th, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    I am glad that there seem to be so many people who find hope and even friendship and connection via their writing and online experiences.

    I know that there are many new parents who feel lost, who don’t know where to tunr and sometimes don’t even know what to ask when they do have questions and experiences that make them go…huh?

    These blogs can be the ideal resource for anyone who is searching, who is struggling, and who may be simply looking for a way to talk with others who are having the same kind of shared experience. I wish that this had been an option for me when I had young children, so I am glad and hopeful that this is what new moms and dads have to look forward to and that there is some outreach there that was not there before in the past.

  • Brea

    August 15th, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    You never know when your own story will actually resonate with someone elseand could lead them to the healing and peace that they have been seeking. I applaud those who are brave enough to speak up about their owninte rnal struggles and how empowering it must feel to turn something which at one time caused them so much pain into something truly life changing and remarkable for another. Brilliant!

  • Jenni

    August 16th, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    PPD is such a real problem for many new moms and yet it is rarely talked about other than in hush hush tones… why so hush hush… if this is something that so many face then why don’t we talk about it more openly and honestly than what we have before? keeping things on the back burner is no way to solve a problem, right? i am all for getting things out there, sharing with others what we have all felt and experienced form time to time in the hope that something will reach others who are dealing with this

  • RJ

    August 16th, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    Sending the links to my little sister- she just had a new baby and I am sure that she would love some reading material!

  • anonymous

    August 18th, 2014 at 5:13 AM

    Like Ivy, I too had many failed pregnancies and have finally been successful in becoming a mom (yay!) but I also had post partum depression and it left me wondering… why? This was all I ever wanted, to have healthy and happy babies and then I finally did and this depression struck me form out of no where and it made me feel like maybe I didn’t deserve to become a mom to these beautiful babies. Though I realize now that this came about as the result of multiple things going on in my life, at the time it made me feel downright terrible and I questioned whether or not I even deserved to live this life anymore.

  • kenneth

    August 20th, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Having a newborn at home I have so many questions about how other new parents handle specific things and this looks like some pretty good material to check out. It is always nice to find that voice in the wilderness when you are feeling just a little lost, and I think that some of these will have many pointers on things that I can do to be a better dad as well as things that I can do to make sense of this now crazy life and take care of myself a little more too.

  • Ariana G

    March 6th, 2018 at 8:47 PM

    I hate to hear of any woman having to go through this but I’m glad to know that I am not alone. When I had my son I didn’t even notice anything was wrong until my husband mentioned it to me. It was hard to bond with my baby boy.

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