17 Private Practice Tips for 2017

Presented by Joseph Sanok, LLP, LPC, NCC on 01-30-2017 at 9 a.m. Pacific (noon Eastern) to 10:30 a.m. Pacific (1:30 p.m. Eastern)

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to make improvements in the business of your private practice? This 90-minute educational webinar will help you keep that resolution with useful tips and proven marketing strategies you can use in your business throughout the year. 

Join private practice owner, business consultant, and successful podcast host Joe Sanok as he shares 17 private practice tips for 2017 designed to help clinicians go from feeling overwhelmed without clear visions to creating a step-by-step business plan. His focus on marketing, growth, and "leveling up" has helped thousands of counselors grow their businesses, expand their incomes, and increase their impact in the communities they serve.

Whether you are new to private practice or have been in private practice for years, Joe’s natural teaching style and extensive experience in the industry make him an excellent resource to help you reach your private practice goals in 2017. During this live webinar, participants can ask Joe questions about marketing strategies, business goals, and more.

This introductory web conference is designed to help clinicians:

  1. List three effective ways to market a private practice online.
  2. Describe how design influences people's perceptions of expertise in business.
  3. Outline an annual plan to increase one's influence, income, and impact within one's counseling community. 
  4. Create a plan to evaluate and implement a social media strategy based on one's ideal client.
  5. Discuss the pros and cons of accepting insurance versus having a private pay practice. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this web conference, or would like more information, please contact us here.

Event Reviews from Members

Great presenter and info! - Cecilia Briseno, LCSW

Continuing Education (CE) Information

CE credit hours will be provided by GoodTherapy.org for attending this web conference in its entirety. This course has been approved by GoodTherapy.org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 1.5 CE hours. NAADAC Provider #135463, GoodTherapy.org, is responsible for all aspects of this programming. Of the eight counselor skill groups ascribed to by NAADAC, this course is classified within legal, ethical, and professional development.

It is incumbent upon the member to verify whether or not this webinar fulfills the CE requirements for their license by the state, board, or licensing body to which they submit their CE certificate(s).

To receive CE credit hours for an archived event, you will need to complete a survey as well as a 12 or 15-question exam, verifying that you listened to or watched the event in its entirety. Archived CE events generally are considered "homestudy" by licensing boards.

Registration Information

This marketing webinar is available at no cost to GoodTherapy.org members.

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Meet the Presenter

Joseph Sanok, LLP, LPC, NCC

Joseph Sanok, LLP, LPC, NCC

Joseph Sanok, LLP, LPC, NCC is a licensed professional counselor, a limited licensed psychologist, and a nationally certified counselor. In addition to owning a counseling practice in Michigan, he is a business consultant, entrepreneur, public speaker, and podcaster. Joe hosts the #1 podcast for counselors, Practice of the Practice Podcast

Joe is a contributing writer for PsychCentral and has been featured on websites such as Huffington Post, Bustle, and Yahoo News. His publications include:

For more information about Joe and Practice of the Practice, please visit his website at www.practiceofthepractice.com.

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Continuing Education Provider Approvals

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