Best of 2015:’s Top 10 Websites for Help with Anxiety

Anxiety, experienced by most people on occasion, is considered an important emotion for its role in evoking a fight or flight response when danger is imminent and for its contribution to our ability to remain focused and motivated. Certain situations—such as job interviews, first dates, or public speaking—may lead to the development of temporary feelings of anxiety, but some individuals experience overwhelming, persistent anxiety in response to everyday situations.

Uncontrollable and unrelenting anxiety may indicate a diagnosable type of anxiety such as panic, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia and other phobias, or social anxiety, to name a few. Without treatment, this level of anxiety may increase in severity and have a negative impact on a person’s daily function. Depression often co-occurs with anxiety: nearly half of all individuals diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with a form of anxiety.

Anxiety, which affects 18% percent of the population, is currently the most common mental health condition in America. Though the condition is highly treatable, only about a third of those who have a form of anxiety receive treatment. As serious anxiety can have lasting effects on physical and mental health, the support of a mental health professional is recommended to individuals coping with the condition. Online resources can often also provide information and support to those experiencing anxiety. We have compiled a list of 10 of the best online resources—excluding—for anxiety support in 2015. Some of the websites chosen were suggested by readers, and we finalized our selections based on site quality, content, and functionality.

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