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  • GoodTherapy | Gaslighting Gaslighting Emotional Abuse

    Gaslighting emotional abuse in which an abuser manipulates the victim into believing their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are invalid. This manipulation leads to a deep mistrust, lowered ... Read More

  • GoodTherapy | Skin Hunger What is Skin Hunger?

    The pandemic has brought to light many things – the joy and necessity of in-person connection for one, but for two, the importance of something you might not know there’s a label for: ... Read More

  • GoodTherapy | find a therapist What is Self-Help for Mental Health? 

    We all go through tough times. So, it’s important to know that there are things we can do to help ourselves feel better. Self-help is one way to do just that.   While it’s often ... Read More

  • Embracing Technology: The Rise of Online Urology Centers

    As the world continues to evolve and embrace digital technology, healthcare too has made giant strides towards incorporating technology into its realm. An example of this is the rise of ... Read More

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