Did you know that the trait known as self-esteem or self-worth can greatly impact your mood? It can also affect your behavior and decisions. Self-worth is linked to higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress. Meanwhile, someone with low self-esteem may experience shame, social isolation, and self-criticism.
These quotes and sayings about self-worth are for you. You can download them to keep as a personal reminder to value yourself. Or you can share them on social media as a reminder to your loved ones!

“I am the measure of my worth, and I say I am worthy.”

“Life grows lovely where you are.” – Mathilde Blind

“I am worthy of love and respect.”

“Life will knock you down more than you can imagine. Don’t knock yourself down.” – Unknown

“I got my own back.” – Maya Angelou

“No matter what you have done, or left undone, you are worthy of love.” – Nithya Shanti

“Never forget your worth.”

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” – Anthony Robbins

“She wrapped herself in a blanket of self-worth.”

“I recognize my own gifts and talents.”
Self-worth can encourage habits that increase mental well-being. When the self is valued, we may be more likely to take good care of ourselves. One sign of high self-esteem is the ability to show yourself compassion. And when you can have compassion for yourself, you may be more likely to extend it to others. This can create a positive feedback loop that makes it easier for you to be kind to yourself and others!
You may need a self-worth boost if you say negative things about yourself that you would never say to someone else. This habit, called negative self-talk, can increase negative emotions like worry, sadness, and powerlessness. Many people go through periods of low self-worth after a stressful or traumatic life event. If you are going through divorce, job loss, legal trouble, or something else, it is important to be kind to yourself and remember how valuable you are.
If you feel like low self-esteem is getting you down, talking to a therapist or counselor may help. Therapy can help you address what may be causing your feelings of low self-worth. It can also teach you strategies for boosting your self-confidence.
Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003, May 1). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 1(4), 1-44. doi: 10.1111/1529-1006.01431

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