Help! I Feel Like My Therapist Judges Me

I've been in therapy for about a month to help me deal with obsessive thoughts and behaviors. My therapist has given me some resources and some very helpful ideas for changing these patterns, but at the same time, I feel like he judges me constantly. For example, when I told him something kind of embarrassing and personal, he winced, pursed his lips, and let out what felt to me like a judgmental sigh and a prolonged "Hmmmmmm." This wasn't the only time. He seems to be really good at his job and knows how to deal with issues like mine, but it's hard for me to get past the subtle mannerisms, sounds, and comments that make me feel scrutinized and, well, stupid. It makes me not want to tell him things that are bothering me, and I thought the whole point of therapy was to be able to feel safe talking about the things that are bothering you. I am torn as to whether to try a different therapist (and start over ... ugh!), leave therapy altogether, or stick it out and hope it gets better. Any advice for me? —Judged Judy

Thank you for your letter and for reaching out for support in this difficult situation.

You are right; therapy is supposed to be a safe place where you can share your thoughts, experiences, and feelings without feeling judged, criticized, or condemned by your therapist. Keeping a nonjudgmental environment is one of the most critical things a therapist can do. Carl Rogers encouraged therapists to approach people with what he called unconditional positive regard, which is essentially the attitude of “no matter what you share, I still regard you highly.” That is truly a healing condition.

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There are many sides to this to be considered. The first is whether the therapist is actually judging you or whether you are misreading his expressions. While I’m certainly not trying to put the blame on you, it is important to consider that there may be something as simple as a miscommunication going on.

One of the critical aspects of the therapeutic relationship is openness. It is vital for both parties—therapist and person in therapy—to be able to communicate their feelings and experience to the other. In doing so, you deepen the relationship and trust builds, which helps you feel safer.

Starting over with another therapist is always an option, but I recommend that as a last step instead of a first. Try starting by talking to your therapist and giving it some time to see how things change (or don’t change).

With that said, I encourage you to share your concerns with your therapist. It could be that he is unaware of his expressions and how they come across. Your sharing your experience with him can help him become more aware and give him an opportunity to change his behavior. It could also be that he does have some judgments and concerns about what you are sharing that he may be able to express to you. In that case, the two of you can have an ongoing dialogue and perhaps resolve the issue in your therapy.

Based solely on what you have written, there is also a possibility that the therapist is actually responding neutrally and you are reading into his nonverbal responses; in therapy, we call this “projection.” Projection is when a person projects his or her feelings about themselves or a situation onto another person and views the other person as holding those feelings. In this case, for example, it could be that you feel judgment toward yourself and, as such, are seeing it in the therapist.

Having this dialogue can help you to resolve your internal conflict and make an informed decision going forward. By discussing your concerns with your therapist, you can choose your next step in a way that empowers you and not from a reactive space. That alone can provide a great healing experience.

Starting over with another therapist is always an option, but I recommend that as a last step instead of a first. Try starting by talking to your therapist and giving it some time to see how things change (or don’t change). If you don’t feel better about the relationship after a while, that might be the time to find another therapist to work with. The most important thing is that you are getting what you need from the therapeutic relationship, and only you can be the judge of that.

Best wishes in the journey,


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