Primarily, the impulse to appease others is rooted in a conscientious and selfless attitude. However, when pushed to the extreme, this behavior becomes self-destructive. This inclination towards relational self-sacrifice is often underpinned by subconscious mechanisms, many of which are established through early attachment relationships with parents.
In cases where parents are self-absorbed, their attention to their children’s emotions is often conditional, based on how closely these emotions align with their own. When a child’s feelings deviate from those of the parent, the typical parental reactions range from dismissive to punitive. This dynamic teaches the child either to distrust their feelings or to suppress them in favor of the parents, inadvertently setting a precedent for future relationships.
In addition to this, experiences of rejection from emotionally detached parents can further contribute to a people-pleasing disposition. These parents often use acceptance and approval as leverage, maintaining a dominant position in the parent-child dynamic. Their unpredictable and critical nature keeps the child in a constant state of seeking approval. Furthermore, such parents often fluctuate between idealizing and devaluing the child, rarely expressing genuine and deep affection for who the child truly is. The child, often treated as either an extension of the parent’s desires or as an unworthy entity, rarely experiences a sense of normalcy in these interactions. This cyclical pursuit of not disappointing people and achieving an elusive state of ‘perfection’ often extends into adulthood.
Another aspect that contributes to the development of a people-pleasing personality is the tendency of some parents to adopt a victim role in their relationship with the child. In situations where a parent is unable to manage their emotions effectively, they might resort to a victim stance to manipulate scenarios and induce guilt. For instance, a child may return home to find a parent in distress, blaming the child indirectly for a situation, thereby instilling a profound sense of guilt and responsibility in the child. This instilled fear of causing upset often transitions into adulthood and permeates other relationships, where the individual constantly endeavors to avoid causing any displeasure.
For people-pleasers, recognizing their inherent worth is a crucial step in the journey toward psychological well-being. An essential part of this personal development involves learning how to establish healthy boundaries, a task that may not naturally align with their accommodating disposition. Nonetheless, understanding the importance of self-care and assertiveness is key to their emotional and mental health.
Lorena Salthu
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Maté, G. . How to stop people pleasing and set authentic boundaries while staying kind? In Reclaiming Authenticity: Conversations with Dr. Gabor Maté. Science and Nonduality (SAND). Retrieved from
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