Most people have days when they feel less inspired or motivated than usual. Many of us feel our best less often than we would like to. Words of encouragement can be a helpful tool for getting out of a slump. Encouragement has been linked to higher success in completion of goals, improved self-esteem, and increased openness.
Whether you are trying to improve your current mood or searching for inspiration to start your week, begin here! You can download these quotes for yourself or share them on social media. For more, follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
One key to staying motivated is accepting that failure is a part of growth. If you are trying to reach a goal, you will likely fall short at some point. We all fail, and that is okay—it is part of being human. What matters more than the failure itself is how you respond to it. Do you give up, or try again? We hope these quotes encourage you to accept shortcomings, learn from mistakes, and strive toward your goals regardless of imperfection.
Sometimes, it takes more than reading motivational quotes to feel energized. If you feel sad, lonely, or stuck in a rut you can’t get out of alone, there is help. Talking to a therapist or counselor can be the extra push that helps you get unstuck.
In therapy, you may be able to learn what is causing you to feel discouraged. A therapist can help you discover if a mental health issue is adding to these feelings. They may also teach you skills that can help improve motivation and energy.
Wong, Y. J. (2015, February 23). The psychology of encouragement: Theory, research, and applications. The Counseling Psychologist, 43(2), 178-216. doi: 10.1177/0011000014545091
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