Is It Depression If I Don’t Feel Sad?

People think of depression as really bad sadness, but it’s actually much more complicated. To be diagnosed with depression, a person has to have several (but not all) of the symptoms from a diagnostic list outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Sadness is one of these symptoms, but it is possible to have enough other symptoms on the list to be depressed and yet not feel sad.

The list of depression symptoms includes:

Find a Therapist for Depression

Most people who are depressed feel sad, but there are several reasons some people can be depressed without feeling sad. These reasons may include:

Differences between Sadness and Depression

Another important twist is that people can feel sad, even intensely sad, without depression being involved. When people experience a loss, they usually feel sad, but don’t necessarily feel depressed. Sadness and depression have similarities, but they have some important differences.

When people are sad and express their sadness, they feel better, whereas when people are depressed, expressing their pain may not give them relief.

When people are sad and express their sadness, they feel better, whereas when people are depressed, crying and expressing their pain may not give them relief. Sadness doesn’t involve mean thoughts about oneself, or hopeless or suicidal thoughts, but depression often does. Sadness doesn’t involve distortion in perception, or loss of perspective, whereas depression usually does. Finally, sadness doesn’t interfere with feeling other emotions, while depression often prevents a range of specific emotions.

In my experience, most people who are depressed have some sense that something is wrong, and if they don’t, people around them usually do. It really doesn’t matter whether suffering fits neatly into the DSM diagnosis for depression or not.

It’s not necessary to diagnose yourself or your loved ones. If you or someone you love is suffering, get professional help to assess what is causing the suffering and what would help relieve it.

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