As children we have boundless curiosity, energy, and a feeling of connectedness with all that is. Our natural instinct is often to let ourselves be molded by the land and the sky, for we are animals imbued with spirit first and humans with thinking minds second. Spared the influence of our civilization’s dualistic thinking, we likely would have maintained the connection between body, mind, and spirit, as well as our heart-connection with the universe. How can we rediscover this kind of connectivity in this time of high-speed, high-tech upheaval? It’s a journey that each person must take for themselves.
Ever felt energized by an inspiring movie, transformed by a great symphony, or held spellbound by a life-affirming book? Did you walk away with a deep sense of satisfaction, only to say to a friend, “That made everything in life seem to make sense. It’s too bad life isn’t really like that!” But perhaps it’s possible life can be more like that, simply with a greater sense of clarity. If life seems a puzzle, you may simply be missing some of the pieces!
Perhaps you have glimpsed the potential for connectivity that surrounds us all the time. The quest for this holism can take a lifetime, but it is worth the trip. And if you are seeking recovery—whether from trauma, incest, other sexual abuse, cultural oppression, addiction, or something else—you are in fact seeking to rediscover the holistic state. They are one and the same.
My work is based on these principles: we have all suffered emotional or physical trauma to our natural emergent energies at some stage in development; we all have moments of dissociation and separation from ourselves; and we are all consciously or unconsciously seeking a more holistic connection with the universe. I truly believe we can help each other succeed, just by speaking our truth as we discover it. This journey toward complete recovery offers the opportunity to connect with not only other sentient beings, but with the planet as a whole. Thus, those on this path may find themselves in a position to trigger global transformation.
Connecting with Source Energy
In recent years I have gone beyond fostering greater connectivity with the human race and the earth as a whole, as wonderful and as healing as that is. I have found a kind of broadband connectivity of the spirit, which can address any issue, to link up to what I have gradually come to know as “The Source.”
I use “The Source” to refer to a place where all healing and creative ideas and energies ultimately come from. It is not a physical place but a place in consciousness, one where we can tap into the essence of the life force itself. This life force, also called source energy, flows through and connects all things. Everything that exists is a manifestation of this life energy. By becoming more attuned to this gold mine of consciousness and working with it, we can make our lives miraculous beyond anything we can imagine.
There are many valuable pathways for discovering and working with source energy: meditation, trauma resolution, and creative pursuits are a few of these. I do what is called focalizing. Both a healing modality and a creative process, focalizing can foster the continuous flow of energy through us and help this energy express itself with clarity.
We can call this source energy a spirit, God, a higher power, or the universe, but it is definitely an enlivening current we can feel in our bones. Some may experience it as a vibration, some as stillness, others as a presence. Still others may simply feel totally awake and connected. However you describe it, the source energy is the universal force found in all living beings. Filled with universal intelligence, it explains how plants know how to align themselves towards the sun. By the same token, it is there inside us and can help us make our decisions, especially when we listen to what our bodies are telling us.
Three things may block us from experiencing the source energy:
- Distracting thoughts (often based on past conditioning)
- Unresolved trauma
- Sexual barriers and frustrations
Conditioned thinking makes it difficult for us to shift to new ways of perceiving and healing our lives, which can limit us to past experiences and exposures. It regurgitates old data and story lines based on our personal history or what we have been told. Both a healing modality and a creative process, focalizing can foster the continuous flow of energy through us and help this energy express itself with clarity. The conditioned mind does not tolerate intricacy well and may experience difficulty with love, joy, and other textured nuances of life. Without a new set of tools and a fresh way of seeing, the mind can paralyze us and block our best path forward. On the other hand, the heart’s intelligence thrives on intricacy and nuance, on connectivity to deep ancestral roots. It speaks to us through felt sensations of our bodies and sensory perceptions that can guide the next steps in our personal evolution. Focalizing may be so effective because in the process the mind is respectfully set aside while the heart guides us through a natural and fulfilling process of connectivity.
As we host source energy we may become conscious of the role the body plays in shaping the mind and our moment-to-moment experience. It can allow a subtle shift from feeling with the senses to feeling with awareness. When we direct our minds to be aware, we may be able to feel subtle options: a wider range of choices than what we can access via mere thinking alone.
Hosting this energy can be as simple as taking a deep breath. We can also practice what’s called a “body drop.” In a body drop, awareness focuses on deeply relaxing the body while staying connected to it. We might think of this as “striving only to be.” When we give ourselves a quiet pause, we can gain flexibility, in the shift between the outwardly focused mind and the subtler inner mind that uses felt awareness. When this skill is developed, we may be better able to use both levels of awareness fluidly and develop a fresh sense of inner knowing.
This practice can unify the imaginary separation of body, mind, and nature and enliven source energy to offer guidance. In this embodied state our experience of time collapses, allowing us to connect with imagery and perceptions that are often deeply informative. This focalizing is a way of rediscovering the lost connectivity we can glimpse in the eyes of wild animals and children all over the world.
Contentment and happiness do not come from waving a magic wand or snapping our fingers. They are choices that include a deep level of acceptance for things being exactly as they are and respect for present realities, as reality is always changing. Don’t disconnect with reality. Accept things as they are and then allow source energy to transform them.
It is important to keep sustaining, hosting, and relying on the established connection to source energy in order to keep this loving relationship with spirit vibrant and alive. We can often do this with gratitude. If we ever reach the point where we feel we are lacking gratitude for being alive, we simply need to un-separate ourselves from the source energy. I believe we can’t help but feel happy, playful, and grateful when connected with the wellspring of spiritual creativity. Releasing our preconditioned concepts of who we are can help us become one with the source energy. Through this, we can become the change we wish to see in the world, and more.

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