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Find a Therapist in Palo Alto with GoodTherapy

It’s normal to experience mental health issues and relationship problems. Talking to a licensed therapist can help. Therapy can teach you more about yourself and your mental health concerns in a healing way. Many therapies are evidence-based and have been proven effective.

Since 2007, GoodTherapy has helped people like you connect with ethical, compassionate counselors and therapists. The therapists listed above, who practice therapy in Palo Alto, are trained to protect client confidentiality and privacy. In keeping with our high membership standards, these mental health professionals are also committed to eliminating the stigma that keeps many people from seeking help.

Beliefs about how much therapy costs may deter some people from finding a therapist. It’s a good idea to contact therapists you’re interested in and ask about insurance, sliding-scale fees, payment plans, and other options to stay within your budget.

Rest assured there are qualified therapists in Palo Alto who can treat a variety of concerns, including family conflict, relationship issues, anxiety, or depression. With our directory, the right therapist is easy to find.

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About Palo Alto

Palo Alto is a city in Santa Clara County, California. It has a land area of 24 square miles. Palo Alto is named after a 1000-year-old redwood tree along San Francisquito creek. The city is located on the western shore of San Francisco Bay.

Palo Alto is home to 67,000 people. Roughly 2,300 military veterans live in the city. The ethnic composition of the population is 57% white, 30% Asian, 7% Hispanic, and 2% black.

Foreign-born people make up 35% of the population in Palo Alto. Over 40% of residents speak a foreign language at home. Approximately 8,500 Chinese speakers, 3,600 Spanish speakers, and 1,800 Russian speakers live in the city.  

Palo Alto has been described as “the birthplace of Silicon Valley.” William Hewlett and David Packard began the Hewlett-Packard company in the city. People in the city earn an average annual salary of $78,700. The median household income is $137,000. 

Mental Health in Palo Alto

Palo Alto has the highest suicide rate in Santa Clara County among young people 10 to 24 years old. From 2003 to 2015, the youth suicide rate in the city was 14 per 100,000 residents. This figure was significantly higher than the county youth suicide rate of 5 per 100,000 residents. A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports youth suicides in the county are more common among males and young people 20 to 24 years old.

In 2017, an anonymous donor interested in lowering the teen suicide rate helped the Children’s Health Council launch a 12-week intensive outpatient program in Palo Alto. The program targets young people 14 to 18 years old who have depression, anxiety, self-harming behaviors, or suicidal ideation. Available mental health services include individual therapy, group therapy, and medication management.


  1. About Palo Alto. (2017, October 27). Retrieved from
  2. CDC report: Youth suicide rates in Santa Clara County highest in Palo Alto, Morgan Hill. (2017, August 18). The Mercury News. Retrieved from
  3. Palo Alto. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from
  4. Palo Alto, CA. (n.d.). Data USA. Retrieved from
  5. Palo Alto: Special mental health program launched for teens. (2017, April 13). The Mercury News. Retrieved from
  6. QuickFacts: Palo Alto city, California. (n.d.). United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from
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