My Approach to Helping
Anxiety allows living things to survive by providing a fast and forceful response to threat in the environment, either physical or emotional. But at times, these responses become dysfunctional and anxiety reeks havoc on the very values and relationships we live for. It benefits us to distinguish between responses that are helpful vs unhelpful or destructive. It's valuable, to take time to explore which direction you truly need to move. All humans need help at times with perspective. Talking with a professional therapist can treat maladaptive stress, build productive insight and foster emotional maturity in self and in relationships.
I specialize in treating anxiety, psychological trauma, adverse childhood experience, and relationship concerns. You should receive evidenced-based care and I integrate cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing into my sessions.
If interested in scheduling an appointment contact me via e-mail and I'll let you know my availability.