Alyxx Berg,MS LMHC, MHP, CDP

Alyxx Berg,MS LMHC, MHP, CDP

Not Accepting New Clients
Telehealth Available
Professions: Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Addiction Counselor
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Primary Credential: Licensed Mental Health Counselor - LH 60764063


Seattle, Washington 98115
Telehealth in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Boise, Idaho 83702

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My Approach to Helping

Hi - I'm Alyxx. My pronouns are theythem. I am a person-centered counselor with 7+years of experience as an MH therapist and more than 15 years as a Chemical DependencySUD counselor. My primary focus has been with the alternative community - LGBTQ+, Non-traditional relationships (triads, poly, BDSM partnerships), and so forth. I have also spent a great deal of time working with folks in or considering transition, gender, or other kinds! I use a blend of CBT and other evidence-based treatment modalities informed by a client-focused and respectful approach. I am also trained in EMDR and find that to be an amazing practice in conjunction with talk therapy. With chemicals, as with other aspects of our lives, I am very solidly in the Harm Reduction camp and want to meet you where you are to help you go to where you want to be.
I work with clients in Washington, Oregon and Idaho at this time, and can be reached at, and on my website which is
About me: I'm Queer, Poly, Pagan, Non-Binary and Non-judgmental about lifestyle issues. I am a therapist because I am a Priestess. I am well aware that people have told you how to think and feel and what is good for you and your lifestyle and how you come up short. I think we as people on the edges can make our own choices about our lives and can become an embodiment of self-love and PRIDE.

More Info About My Practice

I do 100% telehealth, and am very open to emails and texts between sessions to solidify what we are working on. I am very tool-focused and have been known to ask for homework! I focus on solutions and helping you create strategies to move forward on your path.

Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With

life transitions
alternative partnerships

Services I Provide

Ages I Work With

  • Teens
  • Adults

Groups I Work With

    LGBTQ+, Trans, Transition, Transgender, Sex Workers, Family systems, Alternative populations, BDSM and Kinky people, Polyamorous, Abuse victims, Abuse offenders, College students, ADHD, ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorders

Industries & Communities Served

  • LGBTQ+

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
  • Anxiety
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Bipolar
  • Body Image
  • Depression
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Issues
  • Polyamory / Nonmonogamous Relationships
  • Posttraumatic Stress / Trauma
  • Sexual Assault / Abuse
  • Social Anxiety / Phobia
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