My Approach to Helping
At Avedian Counseling Center, we work with individuals, couples, families and groups with a variety of issues. Our areas of specialty include anxiety, anger, relationship struggles, and stress. We help clients develop communication skills, coping skills, and improve self-esteem by replacing unhealthy beliefs about themselves with a healthier outlook. The combination of using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for building necessary skills, and the use of Gestalt approach for raising awareness of one's behavior, works well for reaching therapy goals. Treatment may be brief to address a problem, and the skills learned for addressing current issues may be used without a therapist for future challenges. Goals are set at the end of each session so that work is continued between sessions. We invite you to use therapy to learn, understand, and challenge the thoughts and behaviors that have not been working for you. Therapy is useful for understanding patterns and lifting symptoms. At Avedian Counseling Center, we do believe that therapy is helpful, yet not necessary for long-term. If your preference is to reduce symptoms immediately, including anxiety andor trauma, Thought Field Therapy (TFT) can be very beneficial.
More Info About My Practice
Anger Management 818 offers over 20 groups weekly at over 9 locations. We offer both groups and individual sessions. Services help with learning skills to better deal with stress, and anger, and will help guide participants to communicate more effectively.
I facilitate a weekly Social Anxiety Group for Adults for $225/month. The group focuses on understanding social anxiety, gaining support from group participants, and learning necessary tools to work through cognitively and behaviorally. Please see my website for more information.
The Duration and Frequency of Therapy
The length of therapy varies for each client. It will depend on the goals and the needs of the client. People usually seek therapy when they are in crisis or experience discomfort, which plays as a motivating factor in search for a therapist. The initial sessions of psychotherapy include gaining a history, and understanding oneâ??s patterns. My focus initially would be to help strengthen coping skills including taking better care of oneself. Depending on the frequency of therapy appointments, the initial part of the therapy could take a few weeks or a couple of months.
Another main contributing factor to the duration of therapy is the work done by the client between sessions. Since there are goals set, and skills learned, the practice of what is covered becomes vital to see progress in therapy.
I view the therapy process as a brief intermittent therapy throughout the lifespan, which means that the client will seek treatment when in need. Therapy can also be ongoing, such as months or years, if the purpose of therapy is to seek self-exploration.
You can discuss the purpose of your therapy with your counselor in order to have a more clear answer to this question.