Barbara Reese,LCSW, CED-S

Barbara Reese,LCSW, CED-S

Telehealth Available
Professions: Clinical Social Worker, Social Worker
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Primary Credential: clinical social work - 44SC04542400
Billing and Insurance:
to ask this therapist for billing and insurance information.


Montclair, New Jersey 07042

My Approach to Helping

Eating Disorder & DBT Specialist, with over 25 years of experience helping individuals like you recover from eating and body image struggles

Services I Provide

Ages I Work With

  • Adults

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Anxiety
  • Body Image
  • Career Choice
  • Control Issues
  • Depression
  • Eating and Food Issues
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Fear
  • Internet Addiction
  • Jealousy
  • Midlife Crisis / Midlife Transition
  • Self-Love
  • Worry
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