My Approach to Helping
Managing relationships, work, family, and kids, can be complicated, frustrating, and exhausting. We do our best, but there often comes a point when we feel stuck, defeated, confused, and or burnt out. During these times it can be helpful to have a supportive, nonjudgmental guide to sit with you as you explore and gain insight into who you are now, how you arrived here, and who you want to be moving forward. I offer an interactive holistic form of psychotherapy that focuses on the total person, recognizing the unity of the mind, body, and emotions. How you experience a relationship, family, friends, work, love, happiness, anger, sadness, fear, to name a few, is unique to you, and only you know how to process and express these experiences. I will encourage you to SPEAK honestly about your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, and challenges. I will support you to EXPRESS authentically your inner experiences.
Understanding what it means to Be You, is the driving force behind my work. There is strength and beauty in all of us, even if we cannot see or believe it. Together we will connect and learn what it means to love and be loved for being you.