Dr. Nicole Edwards,Ph.D., LMHC

Dr. Nicole Edwards,Ph.D., LMHC

Telehealth Available
Professions: Mental Health Counselor, Psychotherapist, Drug and Alcohol Counselor
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Primary Credential: LMHC - MH18458
Billing and Insurance:
I am an in-network provider for:
  • Aetna
  • AvMed
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
  • Cigna
  • Florida Blue
  • Humana
  • Optum
  • Optum/United Health Care
  • Tricare
Fees: Our therapists offer a free 15 min consulation upon request.
Free Initial Phone Consultation
Weekend Availability
Evening Availability


Cape Coral, Florida 33990

My Approach to Helping

Everyone thinks you are fine, but you go to work and no one can tell that you’re struggling inside. You feel depressed, anxious, worn down. All you want to do is sleep and shut out the world. The self-contempt, criticism, and doubt are real, and they are relentless. You want to reach out for help but feel guilty, even selfish. By putting everyone else at the top of your list, you’ve neglected and dishonored yourself. What you really want is to feel a sense of worth, like you belong, like you have something to contribute to this vast world.

Hey, haven't we met before? You’re the one who wants to feel Empowered, Radiant, Strong. Well, what would it FEEL like to stop playing small and truly show up with excitement? Together, my associates and I here at SolRiver Counseling, LLC specialize in working with individuals one-to-one through an acceptance and solution-focused framework.

My team and I work from the foundation that you are the expert, and people who work with us say they appreciate our non-judgmental, warm, yet direct approach. If you are struggling with relationship, self-esteem depression, or anxiety, you will start to feel better from the very start. Just call and schedule your free, 15-minute phone consultation today.

Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With

Our team of therapists is passionate about helping individuals overcome a wide range of challenges. Whether you're struggling with addiction and seeking a path to recovery, facing relational distress or communication breakdowns in your relationships, or experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or ADHD, we can help. We have therapists skilled in addressing women's specific issues, including navigating life transitions, relationships, and mental health concerns. Additionally, if you have experienced trauma or PTSD, we offer therapists trained in evidence-based approaches to help you heal and move forward. We also understand the complexities of parenting, and our therapists can provide guidance and support for those facing parenting challenges. This is not an exhaustive list, and if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation to see how we can best support you on your journey towards emotional well-being.

How Psychotherapy Can Help

Therapy can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. Imagine a space where you can openly explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment. Therapy provides this safe haven, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the root of your challenges. Through a collaborative process with your therapist, you'll develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, or depression. Therapy can also equip you with communication skills to strengthen relationships and navigate conflict more effectively. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, empowering you to build resilience, boost your confidence, and ultimately live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

My View on the Purpose of Psychotherapy

In my view, psychotherapy isn't just about fixing problems; it's about empowering you to become the architect of your own well-being. It's a collaborative journey where we explore the landscape of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through this exploration, we'll uncover the roots of your challenges and cultivate the fertile ground for positive change. My role is to be your guide, providing tools and strategies to manage stress, navigate difficult emotions, and build resilience. Ultimately, the purpose of psychotherapy is to empower you to tap into your inner strength, rewrite negative narratives, and live a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. It's about helping you blossom into the best version of yourself.

What I Love about Being a Psychotherapist

There's something truly special about being a psychotherapist. It's not just a job; it's a symphony of meaning and impact that resonates deep within me.

Witnessing the transformation in my clients' lives is a privilege I never take for granted. Being a part of their journey, offering support and guidance as they overcome hurdles and discover their potential, is incredibly moving. Every "aha" moment, every step towards a healthier self, fills me with a profound sense of satisfaction.

Then there's the power of connection. In this field, I get to create a safe space for people to be vulnerable, share their deepest struggles, and experience genuine understanding. Building these connections fosters a sense of trust and belonging, not just for them, but for me as well. It's a constant reminder of the power of human connection.

But being a psychotherapist isn't just about helping others; it's about continuous learning. The field of psychology is a living, breathing organism, constantly evolving with new research and approaches. I get to be at the forefront of this exciting world, expanding my skillset and keeping my work fresh. It's like having a lifelong playground for intellectual stimulation, allowing me to tailor my approach and best serve my clients' needs.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect is knowing I'm making a real difference. By helping them manage difficult emotions, navigate complex situations, and unlock their inner strengths, I contribute to a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the therapy room. It's a privilege to witness their growth and know I played a role in their journey.

And let's not forget about the personal growth aspect. As I help others grow, I find myself on a path of self-discovery too. The constant exposure to human experiences fosters empathy, emotional intelligence, and a deeper understanding of my own life. It's a truly enriching experience.

So, yes, being a psychotherapist allows me to connect, learn, grow, and make a lasting impact on the world, one session at a time. It's a career that brings immense joy and fulfillment, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

My Role as a Therapist

As therapists here at SolRiver Counseling, we don't see ourselves as doctors prescribing a cure. We're more like collaborative explorers embarking on a journey with you. We provide the map and tools, but you're the one navigating your own path towards emotional well-being. Our role is to create a safe, supportive space where you can feel comfortable exploring your deepest thoughts and feelings without judgment. Through active listening, thoughtful questions, and a variety of therapeutic approaches, we'll help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, identify your strengths, and build resilience. Together, we'll develop strategies to overcome challenges, improve communication, and ultimately live a more fulfilling life. Remember, you're the expert on your own life, and we're here to walk alongside you, empowering you to unlock your full potential and create lasting positive change.

My Therapy Focus

Our therapeutic focus at SolRiver Counseling centers on empowering individuals to cultivate emotional well-being and navigate life's challenges with increased resilience. We utilize a variety of evidence-based approaches, tailoring our methods to address each client's specific needs. Whether a client struggles with anxiety or depression, navigates relationship complexities, or seeks personal growth, we can provide support and guidance.

For instance, if anxiety is a primary concern, we might utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help the client identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to anxious feelings. If a client faces relationship challenges, we could incorporate communication skills training or explore attachment styles to foster healthier interactions. Ultimately, our goal is to equip clients with tools and strategies to manage their emotions, build resilience, and live more fulfilling lives.

What I Usually Need to Know to Help

To embark on this therapeutic journey together, there's some helpful information we'll gather during our initial sessions. This might include understanding the specific challenges you're facing, whether it's anxiety, relationship issues, or past traumas. We'll also explore your background and life experiences, as these can often provide valuable context. Additionally, your goals for therapy are crucial. What do you hope to achieve by coming to therapy? Is it managing stress more effectively, improving communication skills, or simply gaining a better understanding of yourself? By gathering this information, we can tailor a therapeutic approach that specifically addresses your unique needs and helps you reach the emotional well-being you deserve.

My Guiding Ethical Principles

As your therapist, we at SolRiver Counseling adhere to the highest ethical principles to ensure a safe and productive therapeutic space. These principles center on building trust and fostering your growth. Confidentiality is paramount, and your personal information will be kept secure, with exceptions only in legally mandated situations. We practice with integrity and transparency, and will always be upfront about our limitations and when a referral to another professional might be more beneficial. Our approach is client-centered, meaning your values and goals guide our work together. Respect is a cornerstone of our relationship, and we at SolRiver Counseling will treat you with empathy and compassion, free from judgment. Ultimately, our aim is to empower you to make your own choices and navigate your journey towards emotional well-being with knowledge and self-compassion.

On the Fence About Going to Therapy?

Taking that first step towards therapy can feel daunting. Maybe you fear someone judging you for needing help, or worry it'll expose some hidden weakness. But remember, therapy is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's about investing in your mental well-being, just like you would your physical health. Imagine the relief of finally having a safe space to explore your anxieties and develop tools to manage them. Don't let fear hold you back from experiencing the positive changes therapy can offer. Think of it as a chance to finally hit the "unpause" button on your emotional growth ? you deserve to feel your best!

Had a Negative Therapy Experience?

It's completely understandable if you're hesitant after a negative therapy experience. Maybe you felt unheard, disconnected from the therapist's approach, or simply didn't "click." The truth is, finding the right therapist is crucial for a successful experience. Just like finding the perfect running shoe, it might take a bit of trying on different styles to see what fits best. Here at SolRiver Counseling, we prioritize building rapport and tailoring our approach to your unique needs. We offer a free consultation so you can get a feel for our style and see if it feels like a good fit. Don't let one negative experience define your perception of therapy. Think of it as a chance to find a therapist who can truly understand you and guide you on your path to emotional well-being.

Important Factors for Choosing a Therapist

Finding the right therapist is an important step in your journey towards emotional well-being. Here are some key factors to consider:

Credentials and Experience: Ensure your therapist is licensed in your state and holds a relevant master's or doctoral degree. Look for therapists who specialize in areas that align with your needs, such as anxiety, depression, or relationship issues.

Therapeutic Approach: Different therapists utilize different approaches. Explore modalities like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to find one that resonates with you.

Fit and Comfort Level: Therapy is most effective when you feel comfortable and safe with your therapist. Consider factors like communication style, personality, and whether you feel heard and understood during consultations. Don't hesitate to interview several therapists before making a decision.

Insurance and Cost: Understand your insurance coverage for therapy and inquire about the therapist's fees and payment options.

Remember, finding the right therapist is a personal choice. Prioritize factors that create a safe and supportive environment where you feel empowered to explore your thoughts and feelings openly.

How My Own Struggles Made Me a Better Therapist

Stepping into the therapy room not just as a provider, but also as a client, was a transformative experience. It allowed me to see the therapeutic process firsthand, not just through textbooks and clinical training. Feeling vulnerable and exploring my own challenges fostered a deeper empathy for the experience of my clients. It also highlighted the importance of building a genuine connection; the power of feeling truly heard and understood in that space resonated deeply. This personal journey has undoubtedly made me a more compassionate and effective therapist, allowing me to connect with clients on a more profound level and guide them on their own unique paths to growth. This is something all of our therapists go through to make them a better therapist as well!

What I Say to People Concerned about the Therapy Process

It's completely normal to have some reservations about starting therapy. Sometimes people worry that therapy means they're weak or broken, or they fear someone judging them. But here's the truth: therapy is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It's about investing in your mental well-being, just like you would your physical health. Think of it as a chance to finally have a safe space to explore your challenges and develop tools to manage them. Don't let fear hold you back from experiencing the positive changes therapy can offer. During our free consultation, we can discuss your concerns and answer any questions you might have, so you can feel confident about taking this important step towards emotional well-being.

Why Going to Therapy Does Not Mean You are Weak or Flawed

Here's why I do NOT think going to therapy makes me weak or flawed:

Facing Challenges Takes Guts: It takes courage to admit you need a hand. Just like going to the doctor when I'm physically sick, seeking help for my mental well-being shows strength and a desire to take charge of my own happiness.

We All Need a Boost Sometimes: Life throws curveballs, and even the most capable people hit walls. Therapy gives me a safe space to unpack those challenges and learn healthy ways to cope. It's not a sign of weakness, but a smart strategy for navigating life's complexities.

Investing in Me Makes Sense: Therapy is an investment in myself. It equips me with tools to manage stress, build healthy relationships, and ultimately feel more fulfilled. It's no different from putting effort into my education or physical fitness.

Success Doesn't Mean No Therapy: Therapists work with a wide range of people, not just those in crisis. Many successful individuals use therapy to stay balanced, improve their communication skills, or gain insights for personal growth. It's a proactive approach to mental health, not a sign of weakness.

Breaking the Stigma: Mental health issues used to carry a negative connotation. Thankfully, that's changing. Recognizing my need for support and actively seeking help shows I understand the importance of mental well-being. It sets a positive example for others to prioritize their own mental health.

Therapy isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength and self-care. It empowers me to live my best life, not because I'm broken, but because I deserve to feel amazing.

Importance of the Client-Therapist Alliance

The foundation of successful therapy rests on the client-therapist alliance. Imagine it as a bridge: you, on one side, seeking support and navigating challenges, and me, the therapist, on the other, offering guidance and tools. The strength and stability of this bridge determines how effectively we can work together. Through open communication, trust, and mutual respect, a strong alliance fosters a safe space for you to explore your vulnerabilities. It's within this space that true growth and positive change can truly blossom.

My View on the Nature of 'Disorders'

At SolRiver Counseling, we view disorders not as rigid labels, but rather as constellations of symptoms that can be influenced by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Genetics may predispose someone to certain vulnerabilities, but life experiences, social stressors, and even physical health can all play a role. Our focus isn't on diagnosing a problem, but on understanding the unique story behind your struggles. By addressing the underlying causes and developing personalized strategies, we aim to empower you to manage your symptoms and live a more fulfilling life.

The Duration and Frequency of Therapy

The beauty of therapy lies in its flexibility. The duration and frequency of your sessions will depend on your unique needs and goals. Some people find they benefit greatly from short-term therapy, focusing on resolving a specific issue over a period of weeks or months. Others may choose to embark on a longer-term journey, exploring deeper patterns and fostering long-lasting personal growth. We can discuss your goals and preferences during a consultation to determine a schedule that feels right for you. Typically, therapy sessions last 45-50 minutes, and meeting weekly is a common starting point. However, we can adjust the frequency based on your progress and needs. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and supported throughout your therapeutic journey.

What Makes up a Problem?

In therapy, "problems" aren't always neat categories like a broken arm. They're often complex webs of experiences, emotions, and thoughts that cause distress or hinder your ability to live a fulfilling life. These problems can manifest in various ways ? persistent feelings of anxiety or sadness, unhealthy relationship patterns, difficulty managing stress, or even physical symptoms with no clear medical cause. The root of the problem might lie in past experiences, current life circumstances, or even deeply ingrained thought patterns. During therapy, we'll work together to untangle this web, understand the underlying factors that contribute to your struggles, and develop strategies to manage them effectively. Think of it as a detective story, where we work together to uncover the "why" behind your challenges and pave the way for positive change.

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Ages I Work With

  • Children
  • Teens
  • Adults
  • Elders


  • English

Industries & Communities Served

  • Education
  • First Responder/Medical Professionals
  • LGBTQ+
  • Military/Law Enforcement

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Abandonment
  • Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Career Issues
  • Child and/or Adolescent Issues
  • Codependency / Dependency
  • Depression
  • Family Problems
  • Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
  • Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance
  • Parenting
  • Posttraumatic Stress / Trauma
  • Rejection
  • Trust Issues
  • Women's Issues
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