My Approach to Helping
Life. Have you done it before? Me neither! As first-timers, it is no surprise that we encounter challenges, experience hang-ups, and may occasionally find ourselves questioning which way the world is spinning. It’s okay. We’re new at this and we don’t have to have all of the answers. What I do know is that the ups, downs, and everything in between, are part of the human experience. I believe that therapy is a great place to navigate the questions that come with being human and gain insight into a better self-understanding.
Hi There! I’m Indi. My role as your therapist is to understand, support, and uplift every unique facet that makes you, you. To do this, my approach is tailored specifically for you, focusing on building emotional awareness, cultivating mind-body connection, and trying behavioral strategies that work. Together, we’ll explore your emotions and the physical sensations tied to them, using this understanding to develop practical tools for managing and adapting emotional responses in the moment. Our sessions will be collaborative, open and safely evolving in the direction and pace that feels right for you, always.
When we have a better understanding of who we are in this world, we can show up authentically with confidence, and intentionality, and fully experience all of the joy in this life. It is important that you know that, as a Queer therapist, I bring all of who I am and my values, firmly rooted in safety, trust, affirmation, and respect, into every interaction. I am proud that life has brought you here and look forward to providing a supportive space, witnessing your liberation of self-discovery, and growing forward together.