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Find a Therapist in Vancouver with GoodTherapy

It’s normal to experience mental health issues and relationship problems. Talking to a licensed therapist can help. Therapy can teach you more about yourself and your mental health concerns in a healing way. Many therapies are evidence-based and have been proven effective.

Since 2007, GoodTherapy has helped people like you connect with ethical, compassionate counselors and therapists. The therapists listed above, who practice therapy in Vancouver, are trained to protect client confidentiality and privacy. In keeping with our high membership standards, these mental health professionals are also committed to eliminating the stigma that keeps many people from seeking help.

Beliefs about how much therapy costs may deter some people from finding a therapist. It’s a good idea to contact therapists you’re interested in and ask about insurance, sliding-scale fees, payment plans, and other options to stay within your budget.

Rest assured there are qualified therapists in Vancouver who can treat a variety of concerns, including family conflict, relationship issues, anxiety, or depression. With our directory, the right therapist is easy to find.

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Are you a therapist or mental health professional looking for new ways to get referrals and market your practice in Vancouver? Keeping up to date with professional requirements and increasing your online presence are just two of the many benefits of joining GoodTherapy. Start connecting with clients and earning online continuing education credits today!

About Vancouver

Vancouver is a city in British Columbia. It is the 8th largest city in Canada, as well as the most densely populated. It is a coastal, seaport city situated between the Fraser River and the Burrard Inlet. Vancouver was named after English navigator George Vancouver, who explored the area in 1792. However, the territory was first held by First Nations peoples.

Vancouver is home to roughly 610,000 people. Vancouver residents earn an average wage of USD $43,700. The population is 46% European Canadian, 28% Chinese, 6% South Asian, 6% Filipino, 2% Latin American, and 1% black. Sixty-five percent of residents speak English at home, while 17% speak Chinese. 

Vancouver has a moderate maritime climate. It is one of the warmest cities the country. Vancouver is Canada’s 9th rainiest location. 

Mental Health in Vancouver

Drug abuse is a concern in Vancouver. The negative impact of drug abuse is most clearly felt in the Downtown Eastside, the historic heart of Vancouver. In light of the social and health concerns, Vancouver has established supervised injection sites in the city. These are clean, safe places where people can inject drugs under medical supervision. Individuals can also get contact with drug treatment programs and social services. The city has experienced less overdose deaths since implementing the sites.


  1. Average salary in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Population. (n.d.) Retrieved from
  3. Safe injection site and needle exchange. (n.d.) Retrieved from
  4. Vancouver. (2018, January 30). Encyclopedia Britannica.  Retrieved from
  5. Vancouver population. (2017, October 27). World Population Review. Retrieved from
  6. Vancouver’s approach to drug addiction. (n.d.) Retrieved from
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