My Approach to Helping
When your partner (your primary attachment) has betrayed your trust and made you feel unsafe, it is so important to reach out for empathetic support and guidance. Using the APSATS model as a guide, I can help you develop a safety plan, develop tools to regulate emotions, and help you set appropriate boundaries that work for you and your set of circumstances. Each phase will help lead you to clarity and an understanding of how to care for yourself and get your desired outcome.
If you are a couple trying to navigate this difficult process, my experience in betrayal trauma and 15 years of couples counseling, will be put to use to help you heal and develop the kind of relationship you have always wanted. It will take hard work, and it will take longer than you want, but it can happen!
Partner betrayal trauma group for women (in-office), Monday 10-11:30 am, call for details and pricing.
Partner betrayal trauma group for women (telehealth) TBD call for details and pricing