My Approach to Helping
I help couples and impacted partners with infidelity, betrayal trauma, porn addiction, sex addiction and adjacent problematic behavior patterns. I treat repeated infidelity, secrecy and lying, problematic sexual behavior such as sex and porn addiction, difficulty communicating openly and honestly, and unhealthy behaviors and mistrust resulting from past trauma. I help clients rebuild trust, open communication, and a healthier vision for their relationships and themselves, working toward relational and personal wellness and integrity. Working from a humanistic and strengths-based lens, I employ an eclectic approach that is trauma and neuroscience-informed, solutions-based, and draws from acceptance and commitment, cognitive behavioral, narrative, and psychodynamic therapies. Clients explore their underlying needs, where unmet and unexpressed needs lead to problematic patterns, motivation to change those patterns, and core values, visions, and goals to guide them toward a more fulfilling future. As a certified yoga instructor and outdoor enthusiast, Jess also loves to bring movement and mindfulness into her work.