My Approach to Helping
Depression, anxiety, racing thoughts, compulsions - these can all cause feelings of heaviness. I know it is hard to figure out how to deal with it all and not feel overwhelmed. It is overwhelming! But you are not alone. Reaching out for help is also hard. You might feel like you are weak or that it’s impossible to get help. You are strong enough to ask for help because everyone deserves to feel peaceful and safe. And, yes, happiness.
Sometimes, our toolbox isn’t properly equipped to work on the issues you are experiencing. And that’s okay! But you deserve to fill that toolbox up, overflowing even, with tools that will get you where you want to be.
Trauma is not just what happened to you when you were a little kid or a young adult. It’s also what didn’t happen and should have. That trauma impacts life as an adult. It can make it difficult to begin andor maintain relationships. Or, maybe you struggle with speaking harshly to yourself. Maybe it’s the constant need to make sure everyone else is cared for before you. No one can pour from an empty cup. Let’s work together to get your cup overflowing.
I’m proud of you for being here.