My Approach to Helping
I love doing therapy, because I believe it works, even when people have experienced long and difficult struggles. I love solving the new "puzzle" that each new person brings, and believe that solving that puzzle together makes us both feel hopeful and energized. People from all generations, personal situations, and walks of life are welcome in my office. I listen a lot, and I'm non-directive, but far from silent. I will provide as much structure as you need to feel comfortable, but try to stay out of your way as you develop your own insights and action plans. Building trust and rapport is important, and I will work hard to understand what you need to do that. We'll work together to stabilize distressing emotions and solve immediate real problems that are creating a crisis, then collaborate on longer-term goals to understand causes and old patterns so that new strengths and strategies can grow.
More Info About My Practice
My standard fee for service, self-pay, is $200. I offer a reduced fee of $120 to self-supporting students, single parents and unemployed people who are experiencing significant financial stressors, but my ability to accept discounted-fee patients is limited. I currently participate in several insurance plans (see above), and any other plan that offers Out-of-Network coverage.
My Role as a Therapist
I take seriously my obligation to provide clients with a safe, confidential and supportive environment. I want clients to feel confident that they are being listened to and heard, and that their goals and concerns are being honored. What I hopefully bring to that is good training, experience and compassion. That said, I can be firm, because I understand my role to include helping people to see or understand things that they couldn't before. I see this as a mutual dialogue, not a question of authority. I'm your sherpa.