My Approach to Helping
Hello, my name is Maria Hicks, and I am a Licensed Psychotherapist. I have been practicing in this field for over 10 years with a focus on individuals, couples, and children. I would be excited to be part of your journey in healing and creating a stable foundation for your growth and development. I am also bilingual and provide services in Spanish. I truly look forward to meeting you.
Hola, me llamo Maria Hicks, soy una terapeuta con licensia. Estado practicando en esta Carrera mas de 10 anos, me especialiso en individuales, parejas, y ninos. Estare muy agradecida de empezar esta servicios para ayudar con su sanar y crecimiento. Espero conocerte..
My theoretical approaches are client-centered, holistic, and mindfulness with an emphasis on Cognitive Theory.