My Approach to Helping
I mostly offer therapy and coaching for leaders in High Tech, particularly engineers. My clients are usually highly successful but have some issues in a particular area, either at work of at home. These could be communicationsocial issues, feelings of inadequacy (impostor syndrome), confidence or assertiveness issues, performance issues, personality issues such as being perceived as too"blunt", etc.
I also provide career coaching services for job seekers, working professionals and entrepreneurs.
I draw mostly from Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, Analytic Somatic Therapy, Reichian Therapy, Object Relations, Systemic Therapy. Jungian Dreamwork and Gestalt Therapy.
I am non-judgmental and supportive. I don't have an agenda for my clients but guide them to accessing their own strengths. I believe one can only live a fulfilling life if one is connected to one's own true self. I bring in creative perspectives. I move my clients out of a problem-stance into a solution-stance. I help couples resolve intimacy and communication issues for more fulfilling relationships.
As to somatic psychotherapy: Emotions connected with traumatic experiences are held in the body and only by including the body in the treatment, fundamental change can occur.
Between 1998 and 2002, I trained in Brief Therapy with Paul Watzlawick, Richard Fisch and others at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA. Between 2002 and 2005, I trained in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in Milwaukee, WI. I completed a 4-year training Analytic Somatic TherapyBioenergetic Analysis with John Conger in Berkeley, CA. I am certified in Systemic Therapy and Analytic Somatic Therapy.