My Approach to Helping
Do you continue to struggle with anxiety, mood, or self-defeating behaviors that get in the way of feeling good about yourself and sabotaging your potential? You are not alone. Many people silently suffer from addictive eating and alcohol consumption, anger, social anxiety, difficulties with focus, decision-making, and relationship problems. There is hope! You can break these frustrating and painful cycles of repetition, even if you have tried to change for many years. Quality skills-based counseling and coaching can help.
I'm a collaborative, skills-based counselor. I work with adult clients to increase their awareness, build the skills and resources they need to be more resilient and stress-hardy, and better manage themselves, the issues at hand, their relationships, and problems more effectively.
Ultimately, my goal is to help you become more empowered with a sense of mastery and personal control - whether at home or on-the-job-changing behaviors and self-limiting beliefs that negatively impact your mental health and well-being and get in the way of reaching your potential.
So, whether you're trying to recover from a health, mental health, personal or professional setback or trying to change a problematic life-long behavior once and for all, improvement is possible with your willingness and commitment.
We'll work together in my convenient and confidential virtual office to get you moving in a positive direction - Living your best life.
Resilience, the ultimate goal is to better trust yourself and your skills when responding to discomfort, stress and life demands - To trust ourselves and feel competent is incredibly empowering!
We are designed, by nature, to learn, grow and make our best effort to reach our individual potential – You deserve that, too."