My Approach to Helping
I offer mindfulness-based psychotherapy, with a warm and non-judging approach, for people who are experiencing anxiety, panic, depression, post-traumatic stress, infertility, and people with pain andor chronic medical conditions. Sessions involve mostly talking therapy, and may also include (depending on your needs and interests): breathing & body sensation awareness practices; emotional regulation & distress tolerance training; simple yoga & meditation; compassion, acceptance, gratitude, and loving-kindness practices; and interactive guided imagery.
Psychotherapy, consultation, andor classes are available, depending on your preferences and needs. Sessions last 60 minutes. Supervision for clinical LCSW and MFT interns, and mentoring for MBSR instructors are also available on a limited basis.
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs: I teach courses for the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (2 courses every quarter), Google, Inc., Apple Computer Inc., Stanford University, and other schools and organizations in the SF Bay Area.
More Info About My Practice
Academic background: Psychology & neuropsychology, neuroanatomy & neurophysiology, psychological diagnosis; psychological testing; graduate training in physical diagnosis; the psychology of learning; basic sciences, and interdisciplinary studies.
Training & Experience: Mindfulness-based psychotherapycognitive therapy; integrative and behavioral medicine; partnering with physicians (cardiologists, pain and physical medicine MDs, rheumatologists, allergists, dermatologists, OBGYNs) to provide the psychoeducational and health education component of clinical treatment for patients in group medical appointments); brain & spinal cord injurydisability rehabilitation; training of trainers in disability rehabilitation in the U.S. and in India; and facilitating educational programs, retreats, and workshops.
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Programs - Classes and Retreats:
Please go to the website for the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and search for "mindfulness" classes for more information, a link to an article about mindfulness, and my resume.
Other mindfulness programs I offer include:
3- and 6-week Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Programs - Classes and Retreats
Mindful MDs Programs
Mindfulness + Self-Compassion (M+SC) for MDs
Initial Assessment (90"): $255, Regular Sessions (45'): $170
Out-of-Network provider; PPO Insurance covers % of fee