My Approach to Helping
Holistic child addiction adult psychiatrist that has had 10+ years of training in various modalities of therapies and actively practices it
I’m a psychiatrist with therapist mindset as a practice different types of therapy as well as holistic medicines. I do sometimes use lower side effects medicines but I definitely believe that a lot of mental illness except for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder manifest beyond a chemical imbalance. We are layers of unresolved repressed trauma that come to the surface when we least expect it.
Psychology is what drove me to be a child psychiatrist to intervene early and create a family dynamic approach to the unit to look the piece of the puzzle and look how each one influenced the picture. The targeted individual was not one but a system. A pill can only aid symptoms this part of why so many conditions become treatment resistant because their is really not chemical etiology. Sometime it is about early therapy and altering the course and parameters of someone life. I feel sorry for my older patients that have been so much and want me to wipe away they scars and horrors with one pill. You have to deep to the root and the source of where it all started. I also love alternate herbs and remedies.