My Approach to Helping
Are you confused, frustrated and angry? Have you invested a lot into your relationship but your partner always makes you feel "not good enough"? Are you treated like a second class citizen in your own house? Slowly even you believe that something is wrong with you? The more unfair it gets, the more you try to prove how good you are. Now you have reached the point to where you do even more for your significant other.
What's wrong with that picture? Doesn't it feel like a trap? It might be and it is called Emotional Manipulation. On the surface it might sound loving and caring, but in reality it is designed to induce guilt, shame or anxiety. Without recognition, anyone would do whatever it takes to avoid those painful, negative feelings. The manipulator only needs to give "hints" or "directions" what you are expected to do and you instinctively jump to do it. It?s logical. Gradually, the manipulator controls more and more parts of your life.
The emotional toll is devastating: the relationship is highly pressurized. Your Self-Esteem is deep down from the constant negative judgments. You are full of doubts about yourself and about the motives of your partner. You feel no matter what you do, you cannot change the situation.
I see why you feel that way: someone else controls your emotions and behavior.
Additionally, you are right when you think you cannot change the manipulator.
Although there is a slim chance for change: you can change your responses to the manipulative attempts. By so doing, it changes the whole pattern.
There is help and there is hope! I can help you to unveil the manipulative process, to respond differently and to override manipulation.
You can restore your confidence and improve your Self-Esteem.
You can create a fairer, more respectful, more balanced relationship.
Please check my website for details, and don't be shy to give me a call.
Free Initial Consultation
I am preferred provider at
First Choice Health
United Behavioral Health
Group Health
Other Insurance Companies might pay partial fee as "Out of Network Provider". Please ask your policy!
More Info About My Practice
Serving Mukilteo, Everett, Snohomish, Lake Stevens, Marysville, Arlington, Bothell, Mill Creek, Edmonds, Lynnwood, Woodinvill in Snohomish county.
Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With
Emotional Manipulation can drive your crazy, wear you down, make you sick.
It is unfair communication strategy that exploits your vulnerabilities and builds on invoking guilt, shame and anxiety. Its emotional toll is high.
I created an Online Training to help you to see through the veil and apply communication strategies that disarm manipulative force.
It costs less than a third of a session.
Sign up here:
1 Basic Principles
2 The Manipulator's Characteristics
3 Dirty Tactics
4 Your Vulnerabilities
5 Buying Time
6 Disregard (invoked) Emotions
7 Broken Record and other Non-Defensive Communication
8 Safeguard Yourself
9 Naming and Blocking Manipulation
10 Set your Terms
Sign Up here:
Why Going to Therapy Does Not Mean You are Weak or Flawed
Complexes - contradictory feelings, thoughts, and judgments are a natural part of everybody's life and so are their solutions. Symptoms are mostly the unconscious mind's attempts to solve some of its complexes. The more we understand what the story is all about: the better solution we find. The language of the unconscious is not always obvious. Therefore, a therapist can help you to discover the meaning of a symptom.
On the other hand, we all have a lot to develop and change from our birth to death. This ongoing process is full of changes, contradiction, understanding, and lack of understanding. Our whole life is a continuous swing between discovering something important inside us, and then let it falling out of awareness.
The more we know about our inner life, - desires, values, attitudes, personality traits, needs and the like - the more we can keep control of our life, and not the other way around: not let the unconscious tendencies control our behavior.
I'd like to know as much as possible about my own inner life - partly for sheer curiosity, and who else should be interested? - Partly to lead my life in the direction that I desire. Is this something about illness or flaw? For me it the smartest thing that anybody can do!