Find Therapy for Grief in Seattle, WA

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Grief Therapists in Seattle

Grief is a reaction to losing something important. The loss could be a person, a relationship, a home, or a way of life. The loss may not always be obvious or acknowledged by society, but it can still cause much distress. The grieving process is a gradual adjustment to living without this precious person or thing. It can take months or even years. You may feel a lot of pain at first, but time and support can help you heal.

There is no “correct” way to grieve. You might cry constantly and seek out comfort from friends. You may feel emotionally numb and avoid all reminders of the loss. Your way of grieving does not say anything bad about you as a person. However, if you are struggling to cope with your loss, grief therapy in Seattle can guide you through the mourning process.

Bereavement counseling can help you process your feelings, especially if you had unresolved conflict with your lost loved one. This catharsis can strengthen your bond with your loved one and help you feel less alone. Another important part of grief therapy is adapting to your new life. A grief counselor can help you resume your daily responsibilities and reconnect with friends and family. There is no shame in getting support during a difficult time.

Find a Grief Therapist with GoodTherapy

You do not have to endure your loss alone. A grief therapist in Seattle can help you cope with overwhelming emotions. You will not be rushed into moving on or pushed into having certain emotions. Therapy is a place to express yourself freely without judgment.

For your convenience, the carefully screened mental health professionals listed above—all of whom specialize in grief counseling—practice in Seattle. If a certain training or methodology is important to you, ask about credentials when you call or email a therapist. If cost is a concern, ask about insurance, sliding-scale fees, payment plans, and other options. Many grief therapists are driven by a desire to help, no matter the obstacles.

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Are you a grief therapist or mental health professional looking for innovative ways to market your practice and get referrals in Seattle? Keeping up with continuing education requirements, increasing your online presence, and being associated with the most trusted resource in mental health are just three of many reasons to join GoodTherapy. Start connecting with clients today!


  1. Gilbert, K. (2007, August 26). HPER F460/F450: Ambiguous Loss and Disenfranchised Grief, unit 9 notes. Retrieved from
  2. Major depressive disorder and the “bereavement exclusion” [PDF]. (n.d.) American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved from
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