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Rehab centers play a vital role in the treatment of behavioral, addiction, and mental health issues. These residential treatment programs specialize in treating specific issues and catering to the individual. People who face addiction often experience better outcomes when they participate in residential treatment over outpatient options. Immersing oneself in treatment can also benefit people with chronic behavioral and mental health issues, such as eating and food issues, sexual addiction, gambling addiction, depression, or bipolar.
Though treatment modalities will differ among the many residential programs, there are many fundamental therapeutic practices that are constant, such as individual and group counseling. In an individual counseling session, a person is provided with a safe, comfortable environment in which he or she may explore family history, present life circumstances, and emotions. Together, the person in therapy and the therapist work to identify and resolve sources of psychological and emotional distress that may lead to behavioral and mental health issues or addictions. Group therapy provides residents with the opportunity to interact and form supportive bonds with fellow residents experiencing similar issues.
Rehab programs also typically offer other outlets for expression, decompression, and relaxation; activities may include art workshops, writing or journaling, or physical activities. When residents leave the program, outpatient options may be available to help those people transition back to normal, routine life.
Oregon ranked in the third quintile, when compared with other states, in four out of six categories based on the 2013 Well-Being Index released by Gallup-Healthways. The state was 30th in work environment, 29th in emotional health, 27th in basic access, and 24th in life evaluation. In the physical health category, Oregon was 39th, although the state was also ranked 6th for healthy behaviors. Oregon picked up an overall well-being ranking of 25th.
According to the 2014 Parity or Disparity survey conducted by Mental Health America (MHA), approximately 21% of adults in Oregon are experiencing some form of mental health issue. Youth in the state are also reporting mental health challenges, with 10% of children affected by emotional behavioral developmental issues, and more than 6% showing alcohol or drug dependency. More than 10% of youth in Oregon experience at least one major depressive episode, one of the highest rates in the country.
Relocating to a new area for treatment can be stressful, whether the move is short or long term. It can be beneficial to know a little more about the state before you go. In Oregon, the state has a population of about 4 million people. Approximately 88% of the population identifies their race as white, 4% as Asian, 2% as black, and 2% as American Indian or Alaska Native. Individuals under the age of 18 make up 22% of the population, while individuals who are 65 years or older make up 16%. At present, roughly 16% of Oregon residents live below the poverty level.