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Rehab centers, also known as residential treatment programs, address a wide variety of behavioral, mental health, and substance abuse issues. Some people seek out residential treatment when other forms of treatment have not provided lasting results, or when they need to immerse themselves in treatment to more effectively promote healing.
Often, rehab facilities are known for their addiction and substance abuse treatment programs. Substance abuse issues include the misuse of and dependency on prescription medication, illicit street drugs, and alcohol. People seeking addiction recovery are likely to undergo medically supervised drug detox programs and rehabilitation counseling at these facilities. There are many facilities that specialize in treating other issues though, ranging from depression to disordered eating.
These centers are staffed 24 hours per day, with trained medical and mental health care staff onsite. Sometimes outpatient treatment is also available from treatment facilities when a person needs to return home each evening and on weekends.
Based on the 2013 Gallup-Healthways report on the well-being of all the states in the country, Pennsylvania was ranked 36th for overall well-being. While the state was ranked 17th for basic access, it was also listed in the fourth quintile for healthy behaviors (31st), physical health (33rd), and life evaluation (40th), and in the fifth quintile for emotional health (41st) and work environment (46th). Within the state, Lancaster scored the highest rankings for community well-being.
The 2014 Mental Health America (MHA) survey gave Pennsylvania a rank of 14th after evaluating the state across 15 mental health care measures, and comparing the results to the remaining states and the District of Columbia. The state received consistently high scores in both the adult ranking (13th) and the youth ranking (11th. According to MHA data, Pennsylvania has the 7th best access to mental health care in the country.
Sometimes a person may move temporarily or permanently to access the best treatment. If this is your situation, try learning more about the area before you move so it reduces your stress and anxiety. In Pennsylvania, the population approached 13 million people by the end of 2013. Approximately 83% of the population identifies as white, 12% is black, and 3% is Asian. Minors (people under the age of 18) make up more than 21% of the population, and seniors (people 65 years of age or older) account for over 16% of all residents. Twenty-eight percent of people aged 25 or older have earned at least a bachelor's degree. Roughly 13% of all residents were living in poverty for the 2009–2013 period.