Several new Abundance Circle groups form throughout the year depending on the availability of the facilitator and the desired timeframe of participants. Every effort is made to create a group that fits comfortably with your schedule, although most commonly held on weekday evenings. Day or weekend groups are also a possibility. Please contact Catherine if interested in joining a Circle and to be placed on a waiting list for an upcoming Circle or to be given the date(s) of an upcoming group.
The idea of these Abundance Circles grew out of my noticing that everyone seems to have one big and burning desire they can't seem to bring into their life, even if other areas of their lives are satisfying. That might be more financial abundance (money), deep and lasting romantic partnership (love), peace, or finishing a project that feels daunting, like writing a book for example. These Circles meet 8 times (every other week) in a serene setting and a new tool is discussed each session which have been extremely effective in helping people manifest "the one big thing" that has been elusive to them. Groups grow very close and are intentionally kept very small (5 people max per group). It's very exciting to see the incredible shifts that happen in these powerful, supportive groups.
Client Concerns
- Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
- Life Purpose
- Self-Actualization
- Self-Care
- Self-Love
- Spirituality