"Growing Beyond the Silo" is ready to launch. Our first workshop will be held on Monday, February 19th from 11:30 am - 1 pm. What is "Growing Beyond the Silo"? It is an online interactive workshop series designed for health and human service professionals. It focuses on breaking down barriers to cross-sector collaboration, enhancing integrated service delivery, and exploring topics such as mental health priorities, cultural competence, youth services, data sharing ethics, community engagement, workforce burnout, policy advocacy, funding, and sustainability in public services. Thank you to everyone who voted on our logo design. We chose #1. A few people who voted noted that health and human service workers needed to begin this work by growing programming from the root. Image #1 best reflected that statement. Our first session is entitled "Breaking the Silos: Understanding the Barriers to Cross-Sector Collaboration." During this session, participants will explore common obstacles that prevent effective collaboration across the different disciplines in the system of care. We hope you will join us on Monday, February 19th, from 11 am - 1 pm EST. You must be registered to attend. Here is a link to the registration information:
Continuing Education Credits Available
CE Sponsor Approvals
There is a $10 cost for continuing education hours.