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In Georgia, residential treatment centers—sometimes referred to simply as rehab centers—play a pivotal role in the mental health care services available to residents within the state. These facilities are institutions of support, advice, and physical and mental health care for people coping with mental health issues and associated physical symptoms.
Rehab centers implement modes of treatment for issues such as addiction recovery and behavioral concerns ranging from drug addiction, to compulsive behavior, to posttraumatic stress. Therapeutic service is provided by trained health care providers and is available 24 hours per day at most inpatient facilities. Rehabilitation centers can be effective for many because they minimize or eliminate daily stressors by relocating people to stress-free environments. Options for both inpatient and outpatient rehab services may be accessed by those who seek treatment in Georgia.
Often, those who choose these facilities for treatment garner more education about their mental challenges in group settings by collaborating with others who are experiencing comparable mental health issues.
Private practice therapists, drug detox, and rehabilitation counseling are among the various mental health services available. A 2014 survey by Mental Health America (MHA) highlights the fact that Georgia is one of four states with the lowest rates of mental health need (ranked 4th), but also the lowest rates of access to care (ranked 45th). Georgia is ranked 49th in terms of the percentage of adults with mental health issues who were able to access needed care. When compared to the prevalence of mental health issues and the availability of mental health care in other states, Georgia was given an overall ranking of 32nd.
The 2013 Gallup and Healthways well-being index places Georgia in the fourth quintile for healthy behaviors (ranked 35th) and access to basic services (ranked 38th). In the categories of emotional health and life evaluation, the state ranked 18th and 13th respectively. Overall, Georgia was ranked 27th in terms of well-being.
If you plan to move to Georgia permanently or temporarily for treatment, it can be beneficial to learn more about the state’s population. Approximately 10 million people live in Georgia. Senior citizens account for 12% of residents, and roughly a quarter of state residents are under the age of 18. The median household income in Georgia from 2009-2013 was estimated to be $49,000. More than 18% of state residents live below the poverty level, which is higher than the national rate of 15%.